Good Service 1st
Calls to Action

Our main objective is to make a broader impact in the communities we serve; therefore we are looking to partner with as many of you as possible, and are open to ideas of how we can make Montgomery better via GoodService1st DIY Garage
Provide our venue as a resource for the hands-on portion of your curriculum.
Community College &
Technical Schools
Our stations, tools, and professionals will provide the lab/hands-on aspects of your curriculum will result in a substantial costs savings
Local Parts Stores
Join with us to host car-shows, community workshops, and free training. Together both our venues will attract more customers and a larger customer base.
Montgomery Public Schools
We are looking to partner with you for your high and vocational school programs; your students will have access to state of the art facilities & equipment
City of Montgomery
Use this space as a community safe-place wherein the local community gather around common interests
Alabama State University
In partnering with us, our services will be an asset to many of your students who cannot afford expensive car repairs; your College of Business Administration can utilize the goals of a local black owned business into your curriculum, e.g. in marketing, business development, research, ete; We welcome your CIS and CSC departments to develop our scheduling app and technology sectors of the business.